Thursday, April 3, 2014

Learning About Alzheimers, part 1: How can I learn about Alzheimer's?

This post is one of a five-part series by Linda Hitt Kempf, RN, LNHA about the latest research and help for patients and family members dealing with Alzheimer’s disease.

Q. What's the best resource to help us learn about our family member with Alzheimer’s? –Bob

Linda Hitt Kempf,
A. Because knowledge is power, I’m excited to share with you that there is a remarkable educational program and video available that I feel is the best educational series about Alzheimer’s I’ve seen in 20 years. Sponsored by UK-Sanders Brown Center for Aging in Lexington and shown on KET, The Forgetting: A Portrait of Alzheimer’s addresses the Alzheimer’s epidemic, serving to educate the public and guide families dealing with Alzheimer’s.

The series is based on the best-selling book by David Shenk, who shares: “Fifteen years ago, there were approximately 500,000 Americans with Alzheimer’s. Today, there are 10 times as many – almost 5 million.” Shenk’s book is the resource behind the series and focuses on how three individuals and their families deal with the intensity of managing Alzheimer’s in the real world.

I recommend all families and health care workers watch the entire series and read Shenk’s book cover-to-cover. The Forgetting DVD and book are available at, or you can call 1-800-ShopPBS.

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