Wednesday, November 20, 2013

4 things veterans should know about benefits

While we're celebrating veterans this month, here are four tips for older veterans on the benefits they can receive for care:
  1. Veterans can obtain benefits for the same need through multiple departments. For example, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA)’s Home Health Aide Program can be combined with the Aid and Attendance benefit through the Veterans Benefit Administration (VBA) to obtain in-home care services.
  2. When given a medical diagnosis, a veteran should determine if that diagnosis could be related to his or her military service. Many diagnoses, from hearing loss to Parkinson’s, can be service-connected, which could qualify the veteran for disability compensation benefits.
  3. The VHA has several long-term care programs if home is no longer safe. Veterans can age at home with adult day healthcare, home-based primary care, home health aide care for help with daily activities, and hospice care. Nursing homes and residential settings are also available.
  4. The VHA waives inpatient, outpatient, and prescription copays for catastrophically disabled veterans with a severe disease that permanently compromises their ability to carry out activities of daily living, such as ALS, MS, or Parkinson’s.
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Contributed by Whitney M. Wilson, VA-accredited attorney at Elder Law of Louisville, 502.410.5080.

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