Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Where to find delicious prepared meals in town: No Jacket Required

Lasagna roll with Pancetta marinara sauce from No Jacket Required

One option for prepared meals is hiring a personal chef to cook in your home, typically on one day of the week. Chef Lisa Bradley offers a free no-obligation consultation to discuss any food allergies, dietary needs, likes, and dislikes. There is no fixed menu, and the options listed on her website are suggestions and favorites. If you have a favorite dish you do not see on Lisa’s website, inquire during your initial consultation for meals you’d like to have her prepare.

Prepared meals through a personal chef is also convenient. Grocery shopping is taken care of, and preparation, cooking, cleanup, and storing is all handled by Chef Lisa in your home. Once the meals have been created, they are stored and labeled for the refrigerator or freezer. Instructions are provided for heating and serving each dish for consumption.

Looking for smaller portions? Check out one of Chef Lisa’s fulfilling and convenient dishes: a lasagna roll stuffed with spinach, mozzarella, and ricotta cheeses and topped with a Pancetta marinara sauce with shreds of Parmesan cheese. It’s delicious and perfect for just one person with a small appetite.

Chef Lisa is a Sullivan University graduate and has a passion for creating Italian style dishes, which is part of her background and upbringing.

All Lisa’s meals are created from fresh ingredients and are homemade. For a list of menu items, pricing, and portion sizes, visit

No Jacket Required – Personal Chef Lisa Bradley
Louisville • 502.548.9325

Read more about local prepared meal options in our fall issue.

–Food writer/photographer Melissa Donald

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